


I Relapsed And Cut AgainAddictionI Relapsed And Cut Again<div class="ExternalClass29CE800516A5429498A04FE8251D0C86"><div class="ExternalClass972556B23FAF499092E566F281D63883" style="font-family:georgia;font-size:16px;"><p>​<span>A</span><span>bout 3 weeks ago I relapsed and cut again. I was clean for about a month. But then I did it again. I wasn't having a good day and then my mom yelled at me about something and then I cut. One was kind​a deep but the others were not. They are all healed now. I'm trying to stop and I promised to my internet friend that I would stop but then I did it again. She doesn't know. I feel so guilty. Now I'm sad. I'm going to try to tell her because I feel worse about bottling up my feelings. Help! </span></p></div> <span style="font-size:16px;"> </span></div><div class="ExternalClass39174873D1A04C76A7733AA5EB2D775E"><div style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:16px;"><p class="MsoNormal"><span>We can hear the frustration you are feeling with yourself about your cutting.  Don't come down on yourself so hard.  We know that you are disappointed​ that you were not able to keep your promise but the important thing is that you are willing to try again.  You are reaching out for help.  This is great!  We know that your journey towards healing might not be perfect but as long as you keep going in the right direction you will continue to improve.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>You made a great point, which demonstrates good insight on your part, about keeping your feelings to yourself.  When we “stuff” too many feelings and emotions inside ourselves, those feelings can intensify and build up, creating a sense of pressure, even to the point of numbness.  We need to find a way for a release, and cutting is a behavior that some use for that release.  We are not pointing any fingers or laying on any shame here, just trying to offer some clarity.  Finding other ways to get that release can be helpful, and perhaps the best way is to talk to someone who will listen.  We are here for you 24/7.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>Try to think of ways that you can let out your emotions.  This can include journaling, drawing, writing a song, exercising or deep breathing.  We suggest reviewing the articles under the Tips section on the website, including “99 coping skills”.   The Tips link is at the top of the homepage, this will give you many options to try in order to deal with your stress so that it does not build up.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>Keep reaching out.  If you would like to talk right now, you can give us a call - 1-800-448-3000.</span><br></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>Sincerely,</span><br></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>Larry – Counselor</span></p></div> <span style="font-size:16px;"> </span> </div>15

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