


Talking To People Is ExhaustingRelationshipsTalking To People Is Exhausting<div class="ExternalClass0A914BA5B8DC4847ABAE0E74B6DAF34A"><p><span style="color:#15232b;font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">I’ve had trouble connecting with people my whole life, mainly because people see me as weird, which means that I’m seen as a sort of stay away from them type person, not to mention my disgusting body. I’m going to refer to this body as a vessel, because that’s what it merely is; a flesh vessel with consciousness. I should have never been born into this vessel. <br> </span><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">​L</span><span style="color:#15232b;font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">ately, I’ve decided that I’m never gonna​​ attempt and make new friends, or forge a relationship. ever again because I’ve realized I find talking to people is exhausting. They ghost me the day after I talk to them, though it’s probably my fault, because I don’t have the energy to talk to people, and I’m pretty skittish around strangers, whether that’ll be online or in person. Though, I can’t help but think that they are at fault as well, because I tell them could they talk to me the day after, but they never do. I’m just another thought of yesterday to them. a background character in their epic and engrossing book/movie/show etc. it makes me upset and mad. Even though I am tired of being around others, I want someone to care about me. What do I do?</span><span style="font-size:12pt;font-family:"times new roman", serif;color:#15232b;"></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12pt;font-family:"times new roman", serif;color:#15232b;"> <br> </span><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass4DE05D2A32574CC1B216EE3E5BFF8809"><p><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">We are so glad that you are reaching out for support. It takes a lot of courage and strength to allow yourself to be so vulnerable and transparent with your thoughts and feelings. We want to commend you for making good choices in asking for help, we know it is not easy.<br></span></p><p><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">Sounds like you are really going through a difficult time and feeling challenged with understanding your own existence and how to relate to others. We understand how real those feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness can feel. Please know that feelings are not facts and feelings lie to us. Prolonged feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness indicate that something more may be going on. The truth is, you have infinite value and worth, even if you cannot recognize it right now or others don't seem to see it. We hear the pain you are expressing and want you to know that you are not alone. <br></span></p><p><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">We are so glad that you are reaching out for support so that you can begin to heal. We would like to be there for you in that journey. Give us a chance to help you explore options to build yourself up and find a new way of thinking. We encourage you to call and speak with one of our counselors. They are available right now by phone 800-448-3000. If you have a trusted adult in your life that you can talk to, now is the time to do so. Fill them in on the struggles that you are facing. Ask them to support you and be there for you during this lonely time.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">In the meantime, we would like you to choose 2 things from this list: </span><a href="/Pages/tip-101-positive-things-to-say-to-myself.aspx?Topic=Self%20Esteem"><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">101 Positive Things to Say to Myself</span></a><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;"> to say to yourself today. Try to say each thing 3 times today. Then, tomorrow pick 2 different things to say to yourself. Even if you don't fully feel that these things are true, keep working on this, by repeating the positive things and challenging the unhelpful thoughts that you have been having about yourself. You will gradually start to change your mindset. Hopefully, in time you will begin to feel more confident about yourself, which might make conversations with new friends more comfortable in the future.</span><br style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;"></p><p><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">We would like to provide you some helpful tips, tools, and information. Please spend time exploring these links:<br></span></p><ul><li><a href="/Pages/tip-feeling-better-about-yourself.aspx?Topic=Self%20Esteem"><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">Feeling Better About Yourself</span></a></li><li><a href="/Pages/acting-as-if.aspx?Topic=Self%20Esteem"><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">Acting As If</span></a></li><li><a href="/Pages/your-inner-voice.aspx?Topic=Self%20Esteem"><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">Your Inner Voice</span></a><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">​</span></li></ul><p></p><p><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">You matter. Your life is valuable. Do not let anyone, including yourself, tell you otherwise.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">We care and hope to hear from you soon,</span></p><p><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:14.6667px;">Heather, Counselor</span><br></p><p><br></p></div>15

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