


Messed Up My GradeSchoolMessed Up My Grade<div class="ExternalClass9A2F2DD9CA574828ACE61B16D8059FB1"><p>​<span style="font-size:12pt;font-family:"times new roman", serif;">I’ve been really overwhelmed with school. I messed up really badly and it affected one of my grades. That doesn’t bother me as much as the fact that my parents are so disappointed in me. I feel so stupid and like I don’t contribute anything to anyone anymore. If I weren’t here, everyone would be okay. I’m not crucial to anyone and I don’t bring people happiness, so why should I be here?</span><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass2D49F123CC1042A8A2FF016DD7A3BBE9"><p>​We are glad you emailed in tonight. It sounds like you are feeling down. It takes courage to reach out for help when you are struggling with things. School can be a challenge, especially with everything being different right now. It makes sense that it would feel overwhelming.<br></p><p>Sometimes we need to give ourselves a break. There are many students struggling right now because things have changed and there is less access to teachers. Making a mistake can seem overwhelming, but keep in mind, it's just a mistake. You are still a great person, even if you made a poor choice. All of us do that sometimes. Here are a couple of links that might be helpful: <br></p><p><a href="/Pages/One-Step-At-A-Time.aspx?Topic=Stress">One Step At A Time</a></p><p><a href="/Pages/regrets.aspx">Regrets</a><br></p><p>Try to show that you are willing to take responsibility for your mistake. Talk to your teacher to see if you can redo the test or assignment or check if you can do an extra project to boost your grade. Teachers are there to help and want to see you take initiative to improve the situation. <br></p><p>Give your parents a little time, chances are they will realize that things happen, and it was just a mistake. Do things that keep yourself calm and make you feel special. Focus on taking really good care of yourself right now. Keep moving forward. Things will get better. If you are feeling like hurting yourself, give us a call at 1-800-448-3000 and talk with one of our counselors. We are here to listen and to support you. </p><p>You can get through this and you can find your purpose again. We are ready to talk whenever you are.</p><p>Julie, Crisis Counselor<br></p></div>14

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