


How Do I Fix The Mess I Made Of My Life?FeelingsHow Do I Fix The Mess I Made Of My Life?<div class="ExternalClass22086947786342C4B2EAF809F15DB3B0"><p>​<span style="font-size:12pt;font-family:"times new roman", serif;">I don't know if I can manage to do this much longer. I'm tired all the time, which is mostly my fault. I'm trying to do some things to help me become more comfortable in my body, and they're all healthy things, but none of it seems to be working fast enough. My friends all feel like they're drifting further and further away, and I just learned earlier today that one of them is having issues with their family. I tried my hardest to console them by telling them a bit about my own experiences so they would be able to feel a bit less alone, but talking about some things has made them the forethought in my mind. All I can picture at the moment is my mother screaming at me when I went to her for help about two years ago; I can't make the thought go away. I feel like I'm suffocating and I don't know how to fix it. On top of all that, my emotions have become so scattered lately that I genuinely have no clue which one to focus on most days. I'm not sure how to fix the mess I've managed to make of my life, and I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to continue working with the train wreck it's become.Β </span><br></p></div><div class="ExternalClass7F97C21C7AB242E480BAF5EDB3E58993"><p>Thanks so much for reaching out. It sounds like relaying your own story to your friend kind of triggered some bad thoughts with your own experiences. Everyone needs support from someone. It sounds like you are helpful to others, but that you cannot even find support within your own home. You mentioned that you do healthy things to help be comfortable for your body which is a good thing. Most strategies that are quick fixes, too good to be true, or are unhealthy leave you at square one, so be patient with yourself as work on that.</p><p>It's nice that you are empathetic and caring towards others too, but sometimes the caretaker has to take care of herself too. Does that make sense? If you are really struggling to focus right now, it might help to prioritize everything that is going on. You can do this by making a list one day. Taking a 2<sup>nd</sup> look at it the next day and placing everything in order of priority, and then the 3<sup>rd</sup> day start at the top. This allows you to take the focus off of the little things. It also may help your focus if you actually build recreation or down time into your busy schedule. Life needs balance. Your days need balance, and sometimes when you get stressed or busy you forget to budget or make time for this. It is important. You need it.</p><p>When you say you cannot manage this much longer, can you share what you mean by this? Helping others? Dealing with your mom? Life? We just want to make sure you are safe with your thoughts right now. Sometimes being able to talk through what is going on can provide relief too so consider calling, texting, or chatting in if you can, ok?Β Let us know how we can help.</p><p>Laura, Crisis Counselor<br></p></div>

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