Are My Thoughts Normal? | Feelings | Are My Thoughts Normal? | <div class="ExternalClass4FBECEDC6AFD47F5B6398D54F2D0DB88"><p><span style="font-size:12pt;font-family:"times new roman", serif;">I have always had a
hard time with positive thinking. I'm very hard on myself and can't seem to
make anything better. I try to brush this off as being a normal teenager and
being dramatic, but I don't know when bring dramatic turns into something
actually serious. When I was younger I wanted to have something clinically
wrong with me. Maybe I still do want something to be wrong with me. Some days I
have such dark thoughts I don't want to talk to anyone because all my friends
have their best friends and I worry they won't be there to support me and
understand what I'm going through. I worry they will think I'm crazy and they just don't want to deal with that. I have no best friend who I can
absolutely count on, either. Most days I'm very happy, but sometimes when I
think about it I'm not as happy as I think I am. I also overthink everything
from what I said to someone to how I walk or talk. If I'm saying to much or not
enough. If I should walk faster or slower to see my crush or avoid someone. How
I carry myself and who I talk to. It's all exhausting. I worry about how I
look, too. I know girls get lots of pressure from today's society and I can't
tell if what I feel is normal or not. I get anxious about my expressions and
face especially since I'm not Caucasian, and I look different. I guess I just
don't know if I need to seek help or not because I look forward to my future
some days while other days I wonder if anyone would care if I'm gone and how
much of a relief it would be to not have to overthink and worry about
everything. </span><br></p></div> | <div class="ExternalClass0AE2A561596242BEB7FD8E780E417152"><p>We are glad to see you have come across our site and decided to reach out today. Our goal is to help you, offer resources, or simply lend an ear to listen/read. We are so proud of you for doing your best to articulate what you are feeling lately, and how it impacts you on different levels. Rest assured, reaching out for help – even by sending us an email – is an awesome step you are taking to advocate for yourself. Sometimes all of us need support or that boost we are lacking. No shame in that.</p><p>Your pondering about happiness is completely valid. Especially without your own close friend to reassure you that you are fine, things might feel especially tough. The day to day <a href="/Pages/tip-worrying.aspx?">worries</a>, or anxieties, you feel – like walking fast/slow to see someone, or the concern behind being too expressive in your facial gestured – are reasonable. We all have our inner mind working constantly to consider the outcomes of our actions. However, if you feel this external, or internal, pressure is becoming intrusive, or bothersome, there is no harm in reaching out for support. We always recommend, in addition to keeping in touch with us, that you reach out to someone around you that you trust talking to. This can be a teacher, or a guidance counselor at school, or a neighbor. If you do not have someone like that, no worries. We are still here to talk with you too. When you need a break, practice a healthy coping skill to help express whatever is on your mind. See this <a href="/Pages/tip-99-coping-skills.aspx">list</a> for some great ideas!</p><p>Being a teenager isn't easy, and you might periodically wonder if you're "normal," or anything else. When you need to talk our counselors will be here to listen. If ever you feel you are not safe from <a href="/Pages/suicidal-thoughts.aspx">suicide</a>, we want to hear from you immediately. We want you to be safe. See the details down below on ways to reach us that are a bit quicker than email. Until we hear back from you, we wish you all the best. Take a deep breath and remember to <a href="/Pages/tip-your-self-esteem.aspx">keep your head high</a>!<br></p><p>BME, Counselor<br></p></div> | 15 | | |