


Want To Get Rid Of My PainSuicideWant To Get Rid Of My Pain<div class="ExternalClass9D67C4514E934DA1A85954253E8BDBC2"><p>​<span class="ms-rteFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3 ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-4" style="">I've constantly been feeling depressed. It's started in 3rd grade, and has gotten worse. I'm now in 8th grade. I have been having thoughts of suicide. I tend to purposefully not eat to harm myself. I have low self-esteem. I've tried telling my parents about it, but they didn't believe me. Now I really want to get rid of my pain and kill myself. I just need some help and reassurance. ​</span></p></div><div class="ExternalClass56B9B266BE524E85AF8F1530316A3BDF"><p> <span class="ms-rteFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3 ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-4">We are so glad you emailed in.  These are pretty serious thoughts you are having.  Nothing is worth ending your life over.  You will not be in this household forever.  You said you want to kill yourself.  We believe you when you say that you feel like that, but we also know that dying is not the answer.  It is permanent.  It hurts you the most as you never get the chance to feel happier.  It changes life forever for your friends and loved ones. Your parents did not believe you were depressed.  Did you tell them you are suicidal?  If not, use these exact words.  Be very direct.  They need to know this important piece.</span></p><p> <span class="ms-rteFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3 ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-4">You have this hotline to talk to and some great helpful tips on YLYV.    Together maybe we can think of what resources might be helpful for you.  Do you think you could promise yourself that you will not end your life until you tell a trusted adult whom you know, "I feel suicidal!"   Not any other phrase, just lay it out there for them so that they know how serious it is.  </span></p><p> <span class="ms-rteFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3 ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-4">Not eating will likely make you feel more sluggish, more irritable, and can lead to digestive and stomach problems.  There are healthier coping skills, but we do understand that it is hard to focus on alternatives when you are hurting so bad on the inside.</span></p><p> <span class="ms-rteFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3 ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-4">There is no shame in this.  Feelings are what they are, but to get to the root of what is causing these thoughts, you need some extra assistance.  You are not alone, but suicide is also not a fix.  It's just an end, and there are other ways to end or at least make your depression manageable.  Check back in again ok.</span></p><p> <span class="ms-rteFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3 ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-4">Laura, Crisis Counselor</span></p></div>12

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