I'll Never Get Over This | Relationships | I'll Never Get Over This | <div class="ExternalClass25F0A03CE7B8411BA378633767772508"><p><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:17.3333px;color:#333333;">I</span><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:17.3333px;color:#333333;"> don’t know if I’ve
ever actually been in love, but there’s a person who I really thought I was in
love with. This all started two years ago, and ended after 7 or so months. We
were off and on until about a year, until distancing ourselves except a few
check ins here and there. this person did me very wrong, and it’s too much to
get into and honestly really stupid, but the end result was fairly bad. We’ve
remained friends up until this point, like I said, we normally message each
other here and there to see how we’re both doing. This person was the only
person I felt like I could truly be myself with. I was completely, totally
comfortable with telling them everything, and I haven’t found anyone like them
since. I’ve been in a battle with myself for a very, very long time, because I miss them, but I don’t know if I miss them because have feelings for them, or
if I miss them because I miss what we had, or perhaps I miss being able to be
so open with someone. I think about them often, but I made the choice to block
all their social media and remove their number from my phone, so there's no way
for them to contact me. I fight the urge everyday to run back to them, and it’s
really frustrating to still care so much about this person and to want to have
this person in my life when I know they don’t deserve my attention and my care
anymore, not after what they did. distracting myself is getting harder and
harder to do, and it feels like I’ll never get over them, or this. </span><br></p></div> | <div class="ExternalClass2196100A9D8F486F866D7BBFBA3ABB69"><p><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:17.3333px;color:#333333;">It is hard when you really like someone, and that person does not feel likewise. It sounds like you really cared for him. Sometimes when a relationship ends, it is not because of something that one person did or did not do. It could simply be bad timing. It could be that one person is not ready to be in an exclusive relationship and the responsibilities that come along with it. It could be that one person is having his/her own problems and issues that need to be resolved. You've even identified that your ex did something that was very hurtful to you.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:17.3333px;color:#333333;">Those feelings of loneliness are pretty normal for anyone after a breakup. You do have extra time to spare, you lose that "go to" person, you start to doubt yourself, and you even start to focus on those good memories and not the troubling ones, so it tempts you into staying connected. You made the right decision to block contact. The best thing that you can do for yourself is to make sure you spend your time taking care of YOU right now.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:17.3333px;color:#333333;">Keep in routine to the best of your ability. Hang out with your girlfriends and your family. Focus on school work and any activities you are involved in at school. Pick up a hobby/interest that you have always wanted to try. Be sure to eat healthy, get enough sleep, and exercise. Not one person can help you get over him, but a combination of keeping yourself busy, opening up to your loved ones, and coping with this loss in a healthy manner will help you get to that point.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:17.3333px;color:#333333;">Keep going, you can do this. There will be a time when you are happy again. You deserve the same commitment from the other person. He is not willing to be that person. Time truly is a big healer, but the healing cannot begin if you do not let go.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:tahoma;font-size:17.3333px;color:#333333;">Laura, Crisis Counselor</span></p></div> | 17 | | |