


I Want To See A TherapistFeelingsI Want To See A Therapist<div class="ExternalClassDF2B6993EA694A55BABBC0585C1A6E35"><p><span class="ms-rteFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3 ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-4">​I want to see a therapist. I also want to tell my mom and dad how my anxiety is affecting me day to day, but I feel like whenever I do, they don't take me seriously. I feel too awkward to tell my parents how I feel and that's why I think a therapist would be nice. I don't know how to bring it up to them but I really want to. I need someone to talk to about how I feel. I just want a consensus on my mental health issues and ways to help me feel better. ​​</span></p></div><div class="ExternalClass74934B434FBF4A55987BB3E986FF84D2"><p><span class="ms-rteFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3 ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-4" style="">​<span style="">We're glad that you are reaching out to talk with us about your anxiety.  It sure sounds like you could use someone to talk with.  We understand that sometimes parents may not be open to therapy for a number of reasons and we do respect that.  If you feel that they won't take you seriously, you might have to find ways to talk through this and get support from other trusted adults.  Anxiety is a common feeling for many teens.  It ranges in severity for everyone.  You might want to start keeping a journal to track this and keep an eye on what you are doing to help yourself work through it.  </span></span></p><p><span class="ms-rteFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3 ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-4" style="">We have a great mobile app called My Life My Voice that you can download to any smartphone.  It is a free app that helps people keep track of their moods and feelings.  You can choose from a variety of emoticons to identify your mood and even add details to your entry.  This is a great way to keep track of your feelings and show how it impacts your day to day activities.  It will also help you track the things that trigger those feelings and moods.  You can set a daily reminder to track your mood and even get life tips for those stressful times.  Please check it out. </span></p><p><span class="ms-rteFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3 ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-4" style="">In the meantime, try to spend some time thinking about the triggers and how you cope with anxiety.  Check out our tips page as well to help find the best way to deal with anxiety and how to talk with your parents about it.  They may not always be open but you can try different ways to have that conversation.  </span><a href="/Pages/Tips.aspx"><span class="ms-rteFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3 ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-4" style="">http://www.yourlifeyourvoice.org/v2/Pages/Tips.aspx</span></a></p><p><span class="ms-rteFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3 ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-4" style="">Remember that we are here for you 24/7 and hope that you will continue to reach out to talk.  </span></p><p><span class="ms-rteFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3 ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-4" style="">​Take care, </span></p><p><span class="ms-rteFontFace-1 ms-rteFontSize-3 ms-rteThemeForeColor-2-4" style="">Naina, counselor</span></p></div>15

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