Sometimes it seems like nothing is going right in your life – friends, family, and school. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and not sure how to pull yourself out of the black hole that you find yourself in.
- Putting a name on what is bothering you is a great place to start. Most likely there are multiple issues to deal with, so you may want to make a mental list of all the things that are bothering you.
- Consider your state of mind. Are you well rested? Are you free from substances like drugs or alcohol? Your mind works best at solving problems when you can think clearly.
- Organize your thoughts and decide what ONE thing you would like to work on first. Do not attempt to solve all of your problems at once. That can lead to a downward spiral searching for an answer that may not be there.
- If you get to the point where you begin to jumble things together and do not feel as focused, take a few minutes away from your problems to get your mind back to normal. Do something you love to do, reading, drawing, exercising, listening to music, watching a movie, taking a shower, even just laying down and doing some deep breathing.
You will continue to run into problems throughout your life. There are millions of ways people learn to solve problems and a lot of them involve reaching out for help. Help from a friend, a teacher, a parent, even a counselor, are all great ways to get some guidance.
Some people consider suicide as an option for solving their problems. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Thoughts of suicide are a result of a person's pain exceeding their ability to cope. If you find the balance tipping the wrong direction, it is important to reach out for help. At the Boys Town National Hotline we can be that help, we can be that helping hand to pick you back up, we can be the one that reminds you why you deserve more.