
6 Steps To Curb Social Anxiety


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6 Steps To Curb Social Anxiety

​​​​​Being in social situations causes anxiety for many people, often they don’t know what to say or how to act when around a big group of people. If you feel uncomfortable, you aren’t alone.

It’s important to mention that some people experience more than just "normal" anxiety. They often experience sweating, racing heart, stomach discomfort, dizziness, and even the uncontrollable urge to cry. Their discomfort can lead them to isolate and avoid being involved in any social situations, and may warrant a visit to a doctor for additional help.

Next time you’re nervous about being in a social situation with a lot of people, try these six steps:

Stop negative self-talk. Cheer yourself on​. Tell yourself, “It will be ok and I can get through this.”

Prepare. Ask yourself, “What is the worst-case scenario?” Sit a moment with these uncomfortable feelings and then change the story.

  • “I won’t know what to say” – think about some possible topics (school, work, sports, hobbies) prior to the event so you have something to talk about.
  • “I will be uncomfortable, no one will talk to me” – smile, say hello, or compliment someone; this will help more than you think.

Pay attention to your breathing. Calm breaths in and out are best, don’t hold your breath or breathe too quickly.

Turn the focus from yourself to other people. Focus on listening rather than thinking about what you’re going to say next.

Be comfortable with the pause. A pause in conversation is not a bad thing. Take a bite of your pizza or a drink of your soda.

Don’t expect perfection from yourself or the event you are attending, instead just stay in the moment and enjoy it.

Don’t ever doubt yourselves or waste a second of your life. It’s too short, and you’re too special.

-Ariana Grande​


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