A boundary is the space that you keep between yourself and others. It defines “where I end, and you begin." Boundaries work in two ways: They allow things in, and they keep things out. This hold true for all relationships whether they are in person, or online.
Boundaries are important because they define areas of privacy. Good boundaries help you feel secure and worthwhile. When someone crosses the boundaries you have set, your mind and body tell you that the person has gone too far, and you start to feel uncomfortable. Listen to that inner voice and don't say or do things that you may regret later.
Types of Boundaries:
Physical/Sexual – These boundaries protect your body. You decide who can touch you, how they can touch you, and where. These boundaries help you answer questions such as “Do I shake hands or give a hug?" Physical boundaries also protect private areas of the body.
Emotional/Spiritual – These boundaries protect your private thoughts and emotions. You decide what feelings you will or will not share with others. You share secret thoughts and some of your deepest feelings only with certain family members and friends.
Time – These boundaries protect your schedule. You decide what you will spend time on, or who you will spend time with. By being mindful of the time you have available, and those things that waste or demand too much of your time, you can take control. This will allow more time for the things that are most important to you.
It is important to realize that someone else's boundary violations are not your fault. It's not impolite or unreasonable to say “stop" whenever someone makes you feel uncomfortable or tries to make you do something that is wrong. Be true to yourself and stay strong!