
Social Media Stress

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Social Media Stress

Social Media stress

The world of social media can take your mind on a rollercoaster ride. From viral sensations, news stories, celebrity gossip, online drama, and even constant checking your personal posts; finding ways to cope can be a challenge. One minute you may be feeling fine, then suddenly things take a turn and now you're overwhelmed with lots of thoughts and feelings. It can be hard to know what's a “normal" level of stress, and when to put up the white flag and ask for help.

Warning Signs

  • You're not sleeping well - you either sleep too much or hardly sleep at all.
  • You can't concentrate on the important things. You find yourself zoning out for long periods of time or obsessing about insignificant details to the point of not getting anything else done.
  • You're no longer able to manage your time.  Several hours have passed while you have been on your phone, and you haven't taken care of homework or other tasks.
  • You end up in trouble with school and at home for being on your phone. You have no interest in outside activities, you lose privileges.
  • You lose confidence in yourself and your abilities.
  • You get into a terrible relationship with your eating habits, and/or exercise. Suddenly you either obsess about calories and working out, or you eat everything in sight and barely get up off the couch.
  • You start to isolate yourself and stop talking to friends and family.
  • You stop enjoying the things that once brought you joy. Now you could care less about anything.
  • You have a hard time controlling your emotions. You unexpectedly burst into tears, feel anxious about everyday things, or lash out at others for no reason at all. 
  • You use drugs or alcohol just to numb your emotions.
  • You start hurting yourself or are having thoughts of suicide.

Be aware of these warning signs. It may be a sign that you're not coping well with your feelings or the stressors in your life. If you notice these signs, talk to someone you trust (preferably an adult) and ask them to help you make a Safety Plan. Develop your plan to include coping skills, positive distractions and supportive people in your life. Take steps towards controlling your social media stress so that it doesn't control you.​​​

You don't have to face your problems alone!

Counselors are standing by.

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