
Reducing Family Stress

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Reducing Family Stress

Family Dinner

​There are times when the stress levels for your family seem to be high. What can you do to help ease some of the tension for yourself and your family during stressful times?

  • Take note of the moods around you. When your parents are stressing over health, finances, or employment issues, don't bring up a major life issue or minor life crisis. Instead, put those things on the shelf and make a plan to talk to them at a less stressful time.
  • Minimize your demands. Simplify, be realistic. Don't beg for things that aren't all that necessary right now.
  • Be conscious of your family budget. Many families may need to limit spending at times. Take stock of what you have and determine what you really need right now.    
  • Prepare for school complications. Do the best you can and stay on top of your schoolwork so it isn't another thing for your parents to stress about.
  • Help your parents out! You aren't royalty, right? Pitch in! Clean up after yourself. Take the time to pick up your room. Declutter. Offer to do some extra chores. 
  • Keep balance in your life. Have a routine. Exercise, eat right, practice healthy coping skills. Start a hobby or learn to do something new.
  • Keep the peace. Don't fight. Ignore annoying people. Don't bring up past grudges. A good way to keep the peace amongst your family and friends (and to give yourself a little peace) is to seek forgiveness. 
  • Don't expect perfection. Ignore the little things. Don't dwell on the negatives. Be patient with yourself & with others.

When you start to feel angry, frustrated, or anxious remember that everyone faces stress in life. The good thing is that it won't last forever. Hopefully when it's over, you'll be able to look back and be proud of how well you and your family survived during a very challenging time.


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