
Healing After A Breakup

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Healing After A Breakup

Healing after break up

When a relationship ends, or even if it never really gets off the ground, it hurts. Sometimes it may even seem like the pain is trying to take over and smother you.

How do you mend from your heartbreak? Consider taking some of these steps to get through the pain so your heart can heal:

  1. Give yourself time. Allow yourself to heal naturally. The pain won't go away overnight. Just as a cut won't get better if you continuously pick at it, remember that you cannot heal from a breakup if you keep reminding yourself of the person and the things that you miss.
  2. Allow time to grieve. Put special items from your relationship away in a shoe box so you can choose when you want to deal with the emotion, rather than having them displayed as an everyday reminder. Let the emotions out, but then challenge yourself to put the box away, dry your tears, and do something to take care of yourself.
  3. Don't romanticize the relationship. Remind yourself that although this person was special, they are/were not perfect. No one and no relationship are ever perfect. 
  4. Unfollow your ex on social media. Avoid looking at their photos or posts.  It won't help you heal if you obsess, or post comments about the things they are doing.
  5. Clean out your phone. Delete your ex's number so you are not tempted to keep reaching out to them. Consider filing away or removing old photos. Change ring tones, and delete text conversations.
  6. Try something new. Do things that you didn't do with your ex so you aren't constantly reminded of them. Go different places. Listen to different music. Break old habits.
  7. Be kind to yourself.
  8. Learn from the experience. Even though you aren't together now, you can learn from what happened. Think about the things you wish would have been different. Write down goals you have for a future relationship.

Above all, don't give up! Keep moving forward. Have hope for future relationships and opportunities. You never know what awesome things may be right around the corner just waiting for you!​​

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