​While you are struggling with the impact of COVID on your life, it is only natural to spend a lot time focusing on your life and your problems. Unfortunately, this hyper focus on yourself doesn't make you feel better and often makes you feel worse. So why not try focusing on someone else instead?
There are so many benefits that come from doing good things for others. Of course, the person that you encourage will certainly gain something from the experience, but you can also profit from your good work. Read on to learn about the benefits of volunteering.
Gaining Perspective
Sometimes, when you see the way other people are struggling, you start to feel a little bit better about your own problems. This doesn't mean that your problems aren't important or that they don't cause you a lot of pain. But when you realize that other people are struggling too, the burden of your pain can be lifted a little and your suffering eased. Sometimes you even realize that the thing causing you pain wasn't something to be worried over in the first place. And other times you find a new way to resolve your problems. Perspective really does make a difference.
Gaining a Distraction
Spreading kindness can be a good distraction. It's hard to think about the mean thing your sister said to you or the fact that your friend is ignoring your texts when you are helping someone else feel better. So, let your mind take a break a for a while and do something good for others too!
Gaining Self-Confidence
When you do something to cheer up others, you can't help but feel better about yourself. You gain a sense of being valuable, helpful, and worthwhile. You start to realize that even you can do good things.
When you encourage others, you start to feel better about yourself and your own circumstances. If we can all strive to be a little kinder to each other right now, we can come out of this crisis stronger and more grateful for what we have.
Your challenge: Start brainstorming who you will show kindness to. Plan out what you can do while still observing social distancing rules and then start spreading joy. Some ideas to get you started: postings on social media to thank hospital workers, hopeful messages on your driveway or in your window, do an extra chore or bake a special treat for your family.