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Choosing Hope

Choose hope

​​Hope is the belief that your future can be brighter than your past, and that you actually have a role in making things better for yourself. Hopefulness is empowering. It is one of the most powerful character strengths a person can have.

Hopelessness is rooted in helplessness and the feeling that you have no control in your life. But hopeful people are willing to put in the effort and work for a better future. When you have hope, you are better able to cope with stressors and problems, and you increase the chance of seeing more positive results in your life.

There are 3 key steps to promote a feeling of hope:

  • Having Goals- Your journey has a focus or a destination.
  • Having Willpower -You have the motivation to put forth the effort to achieve your goals.
  • Seeing a Pathway—You can identify the steps to reach your goals.

Where does hope come from? Some say it comes from the mind, some say it comes from the heart. Hope is when you believe something is possible and you have the power to make it happen. Choosing hope allows you to move away from anxiety, fear, and depression.

The best thing? Hope can be learned! Start with identifying your purpose. Continue to pursue hope by setting your goals. Don't be afraid to reset your goals if you find they are no longer important, or if you cannot overcome the obstacles in your way.

When you start to lose hope, repeat these mantras to yourself:

I have a purpose.

My future can be brighter than my past.

My dreams can come true.


You don't have to face your problems alone!

Counselors are standing by.

Ways to Get Help