
Building Friendships

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Building Friendships

building friendship

​​​Some days it may feel like you don't have any close friends. You may feel like everyone ​has a best friend except for you. Maybe that person that you thought was YOUR best friend is now best friends with someone else. You might be unsure how to move past being just classmates or acquaintance​s to being real friends. You may also feel like you have no control over your relationships; but let's look, is that really true?

A true friend is someone who cares about what you care about, someone who likes to spend time with you, and someone who helps make your day a little brighter.  A true friend is someone who takes action.  Ask yourself if you are this type of friend to others.  

A true friendship takes effort; it's not just something that happens. You don't have control of what someone else does, but you do have control of how you treat others. If you care about someone, you will need to be willing to work to build and maintain a solid friendship.

  1. Value yourself. Be confident and happy being you. 
  2. Spend time with others. Accept them as they are, be open, value their feelings and opinions. 
  3. Care about what others care about. Know what you are passionate about, then find others who are interested in the same things.  Get involved in groups that reflect your interests.
  4. Be there when your friend needs you. Be present, put away your cell phone, turn off the TV and really listen.  If your friend needs more help than you can give, be honest. Brainstorm together who they could turn to for more support.
  5. Be kind. Kindness, just like light to a moth, is irresistible. Make someone else's day a little brighter.  Say hello.  Ask a classmate how their day is and listen to what they have to say.  Give a genuine compliment to someone.  People will want to be around you and be drawn in by the light of your kindness.

Not everyone is naturally skilled at making or being a good friend. You will experience ups and downs as well as good and bad relationships throughout your life. Friendships take effort. Learn something from each relationship that you are a part of.  And remember that the best way to have great friends is to be one.

The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.

-Ralph Nichols

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